Jenne Perlstein is a Counsellor with 25 years experience as a professional Social Worker (with medical qualifications) in the areas of health, mental health, disability, education, vocational rehabilitation, and aged care. Jenne has had 20 years in the fields of Jungian psychology, studies and training in paganism (Wicca), 15 years as a Tarot reader, and a professional member of the Tarot Guild of Australia (via examination), 14 years Astrology and 5 years study of Kabbalah and involvement with Buddhism.
Jenne combines these skills in psycho-spiritual counselling, thus clients find her sessions are in depth and pierce to the inner workings of the unconscious. Jenne uses her training in psychology and psychiatry from Medicine, her extensive knowledge of a variety of counselling approaches:
- Problem solving,
- Cognitive behaviour therapy,
- Freud,
- Gestalt,
- Mindfulness,
- Jung,
- Transactional analysis,
- Family of origin dynamics,
- The inner child and primal therapy,
- Dream analysis
Jenne’s uses her finely tuned intuition to connect to the deeper psyche, and connects the present issues in a person’s life e.g. relationships, to the clients personal life experience and family of origin. Jenne aims to enable growth in the individual’s psycho-spiritual journey.
Contact Jenne
Jenne sees people by appointment, and is based in East Brunswick.
- 0414 650 727
- $80 for an hour.
Jenne also offers:
- Tarot counselling readings
- Astrology Readings
- A Counselling and Mental Health skills course: for Tarot readers and Astrologers based in the Central Melbourne area.